Carnegie Mellon University

Bringing in Revenue

The array of programs and opportunities undertaken by student organizations each year demands that groups raise funds in addition to those allocated through the Student Activities Fee or other funding sources.  The Joint Funding Committee expects organizations to supplement their funding gaps through revenue or donations. Many student organizations collect dues, have fundraisers, work with corporate sponsors, sell tickets, etc. to support their activities.

Handling Cash & Credit Cards

There are multiple ways that organizations can take in revenue from cash or credit cards, but you need to be planful to ensure that you are ready for whichever avenue you choose to accept funds. For more information, please email the SLICE Finance team with any questions.

Handling Cash

It is imperative that organizations maintain proper cash handling procedures. Any time an organization receives income from fundraisers, sales, dues, or other organization activities, all money should be deposited in the SLICE safe at the end of the day. All proceeds should be deposited – no cash should be used to pay expenses directly.

Under no circumstances should organizations hold a significant amount of money (greater than $50) in an unsecured location (dorm room/apartment) or in the possession of any member. Any time an organization receives income from fundraisers, sales, dues, or other organization activities, all money should be deposited in the SLICE safe at the end of the day.
If organizations sell tickets from a cash box, empty the cash box each night and deposit the contents in the SLICE safe. Keep only enough money in the cash box for making change during the next day’s sales.

Online Sales

Are you looking for a way to collect revenue for your organization online? Student org's can now use the SLICE Cashnet mall or continue to use Carnegie Mellon Tickets for your online revenue needs.

Carnegie Mellon Tickets

It is now possible to host public or private sales online via, whether it is for an event, dues or the sales of an item. The system is customizable, can sell to specific populations of individuals (ie. Seniors only, CMU only, graduate students only), has real-time reporting capabilities, and sales can be made public or private with a link only. There are multiple bodies that approve the use of


From your desktop or mobile device, you can collect revenue easily and securely with Cashnet. Create QR codes or Tiny URLs to link directly to items. This revenue is deposited directly into your organization's account each night. This platform is a great alternative to Venmo, which is prohibited by the University.

If you need to advertise an event and require attendance and reservation reports, please use CMU Tickets instead of Cashnet. & Cashnet Comparison Cashnet
Convenience Fees ($.50 to $2 depending on ticket price) X
Credit Card Fees (2-4%) X X
Reservation Reporting Available X
Attendance Reporting Available  X
Ability to Add Photo to Sale X
Works with Ticket Scanners X
Ability to Do "Pay What You Can Sale" X
Requires a Request Form for Each Sale X
Same-Day Deposits on Date that It's Paid X
Complete the Add a Sale to Request Form. An administrator will be in touch within two business days to confirm the details of your sale. The form must be submitted one week prior to the start of your sale.
  • Membership dues
  • Event/conference registration fees
  • Fundraisers
  • Miscellaneous sales
  • Taxable sales, including posters, books (except textbooks), jewelry, furniture, certain types of food and clothing
Email SLICE if you plan to sell food, clothing, any other taxable items or if you are unsure of sale items/process.
There are no convenience fees; however, there are credit card fees (between 2%-4%) that are deducted from total sales each month.
Request a store by submitting a Cashnet Request Form on TartanConnect. Please email SLICE’s Finance Team with any questions.

Corporate Sponsorship

Organizations are able to solicit funds to support their events and initiatives from corporations. Organizations are also able to solicit gifts in kind from local vendors and businesses to offset the cost of their programming. For instance, if you would like to solicit donations of pizza, gift cards as prizes, clothing for a fashion show, etc., and these types of gifts can greatly impact the overall budget for a program or event.

If you are interested in securing funding from a local company or corporate sponsor, please meet with the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Civic Engagement (SLICE) to help your organization determine whether working with University Advancement or Institutional Partnerships is appropriate for your initiative. You will talk through the proper protocols for taking in the sponsorship which includes providing an invoice to the sponsor. They will receive a gift receipt once the donation is received.

JFC Allocations

Joint Funding Committee (JFC) allocations are a significant source of funding for Student Government recognized organizations. The JFC is a committee of 20-30 students that are responsible for allocating funding to student organizations. The JFC is funded by the Student Activities Fee, which is paid by each Carnegie Mellon student on the Pittsburgh campus. The JFC has a formal application process to determine the funding for the organizations. Student Organizations that seek JFC funding will be required to fill out the JFC Declaration of Intent Form and will be assigned a JFC Financial Advisor.

Donations & Fundraising

If a group receives a financial gift that will be used for any official organizational business or activity, this gift must be deposited immediately. To be considered a donation, the donor cannot receive anything of substantial value in return.

Donation deposits must be made into the student organization’s Gift Account. Any cash or checks can be brought to the SLICE Office for deposit. Donors can also use the Giving website.

There are several major tax implications that pertain to gift accounting, so it is very important to deposit individual donations in a timely manner. A Gift Administrator will send the appropriate official university tax gift receipt to the donor. 

For this reason, donations must include the following relevant and current information.

  • Individual/business name;
  • Address;
  • Value of gift 
  • Purpose of the gift.
Whether you're looking to fund your organization's next great idea or to fundraise for a cause you care about greatly, CMU allows groups and individuals to directly support you. 


The CMU Crowdfunding platform is designated for university-related projects that impact and benefit CMU students and/or other entities within the CMU community and with funding goals of $2,000-$10,000. Interested students should complete the online application to launch their crowdfunding campaign. For important dates and more information, check out CMU's Crowdfunding website.


All money collected from fundraisers or dues must be deposited directly into the organization’s agency account. No organizational money should ever be deposited into a personal banking account. Student organizations are NOT ALLOWED to accept monies via Paypal, Venmo, Square or other methods that require funds to flow through personal bank accounts.

Co-sponsoring programs with other organizations is also a good way to reduce the cost of an event for your organization. Look for university departments or other student organizations with similar missions and pool your resources to co-sponsor events.

Please contact the SLICE Finance team with any questions.
  • Collecting dues from members
  • Bake-sales (Please refer to the Food Safety Policy)
  • Selling merchandise (flowers, doughnuts, candy, etc.)
  • Selling services (housekeeping, yard work, car washes)
  • Charging admission to events

Please contact the SLICE Finance team with any questions.

  • Asking businesses to donate goods to use as prizes
  • Seeking donations of goods or services to directly support your organization's programs (e.g., donated pizza for an activity)
  • Asking for monetary donations from organization alumni, friends and family
  • Seeking Corporate Sponsorship
  • Student organizations cannot use the university's Tax ID or non-profit status to fundraise
  • Raffles: Under Pennsylvania state law, 50/50 raffles or raffles of any kind are prohibited without a license. Please contact SLICE prior to your event if you plan to give away prizes or awards. Specific documentation may be required to ensure that the University remains compliment with the IRS tax law. 
  • Ticket Sales: Per University Policy, student organizations are NOT allowed to accept payment through Paypal, Venmo or Square or any vendor that requires a personal bank account. Student organizations ARE allowed to use the online ticketing service or Eventbrite (proceeds distributed as a check must be written out to Carnegie Mellon University).

Seeking Additional University Funding

Four funding bodies co-exist to facilitate a special allocation process for individuals and organizations seeking additional funds to supplement their allocation budgets for specific initiatives/events, to cover unanticipated/unexpected costs, or to provide start-up monies to support new initiatives or groups.

Undergraduate Student Senate (Senate) 

Graduate Student Assembly (GSA)

Student Dormitory Council (SDC)

University Funding

Common Funding Application

Common Funding Application has been created to centralize the funding request to the mentioned University bodies. Each funding group incorporates funding philosophies and metrics to determine if funding requests are applicable and align with the mission/purpose of the event/project/trip that is in need of funding. The metrics and application can be found in the Common Funding Application.

The Division of Student Affairs plus all academic colleges contribute funds that are disbursed via the Common Funding Application.

Groups should utilize the Common Funding Application instead of reaching out to colleges directly.

SLICE can help organizations with questions about potential funding sources such as Tartans Abroad, ACS Scholarships and Holleran Scholarships.

Funding from other departments can be transferred directly into your oracle account. Please have the business manager from the department providing funds email to request your org’s Oracle string directly.